ölelés.co (“ölelés.co”, “we”, “our” and “us”), its officers, management, and members of staff shall, at all times, respect the confidentiality of and endeavour to keep safe any and all personal data collected from you and/or stored and/or transmitted by you to us. Our policies and practices may be revised from time to time but we will inform you in writing in case of any such changes.
1. Your Privacy:As a customer of ölelés.co we will collect your personal data when you are our member, when you subscribe with us or when you request us for our services. Where ölelés.co’s operations are subject to privacy legislation other than that of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, then this Statement shall be applied so far as practicable with such local legislation.
2. Collection of Personal Data:For the purpose of carrying on ölelés.co’s business, you may be requested to provide your Personal Data when you subscribe as our member, when you visit our websites/APP, when you conduct gift redemption/cash or discount voucher-request, when you submit any comments or feedback to us or when you are required to verify your identity with us. The Personal Data that you may be requested to provide with us includes but not limited to, inter alia, your name, contact phone no., email address, correspondence address, gender, date and month of birth, age group, payment details, occupation, education and profession, and/or personal interests. All Personal Data will be collected on a voluntary, open and fair basis. If you are under 18, you must obtain the consent from parents or guardians before disclosing any of your personal data to us.
3. The purpose for Collection of Personal Data:ölelés.co will collect your Personal Data for the following purposes: for the provision of products or services and facilities by ölelés.co / its service providers (who are engaged by us to assist with providing you with our services) to you; for carrying out your instructions or responding to your enquiry; for direct marketing purpose, including designing further products and services for you and marketing products or services in which ölelés.co shall be involved but within the scope as mentioned above; for forming part of customer database necessary for the operation by ölelés.co; and/or for observing any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements of any relevant jurisdiction including any disclosure or notification requirements to which ölelés.co or other class of data recipient, are subject.
4. Personal Data Sharing and Disclosure:Unless ölelés.co hears from you to the contrary upon subscription or receives subsequent notice from you, ölelés.co may, where such disclosure is necessary to satisfy the purpose for which the Personal Data was collected, provide such Personal Data to the following parties: Employees and officers of ölelés.co; the brands traded, operated or owned by ölelés.co but within the range of products and services as mentioned in clause 3 above; contractors / service providers of ölelés.co (who are engaged by us to assist with providing you our services); and/or the court or regulatory body with subpoenas, court orders or for the purpose of legal process.
5. Retention of Personal Data:Your Personal Data will only be retained for as long as is necessary to fulfil the original purpose for which it was collected, unless contrary to any applicable statutory requirement.
6. Accuracy: ölelés.co will take all practicable steps to ensure that the Personal Data so collected are accurate. However, your efforts to provide accurate Personal Data upon subscription of ölelés.co’s services and thereafter to update ölelés.co of any change of your Personal Data are always welcome.
7. Security:Data security is our top priority. All Personal Data provided by you will be properly stored in our database system and can only be accessed by authorized persons. We strive to ensure that your Personal Data will be protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing or erasure. We maintain this commitment to data security by implementing appropriate physical, electronic and managerial actions.